The artwork on this page, whether reproductions or my own originals, were painted by me, Paz Velasco-Galey, from 1985 - the present. My style is impressionistic with a bit of expressionistic tendencies as well. Original works are one-of-a-kinds and are almost all based on photographs, primarily my own. In some cases photos were given to me by others, along with the right to use them. All original artwork is signed (Paz VG). Each is available for purchase unless otherwise noted. If interested in a reproduction piece, please contact me for photos of the fully framed works and for pricing.

Original by Paz VG
Turtle at Augusta, Hole 16
Oil and cold wax on wood
Painting 7H x 5W

The Storm Clouds Clear
Oil and cold wax on wood
Painting 5H x 7W
Original by Paz VG

Original by Paz VG

By the Sea
Acrylic on canvas. This piece is a stylistic cross between Pointillism and Impressionism.
Dimensions: 22H x 28W
If interested in a similar piece from your own photo, please contact me. Canvas sizes start at 16x20 and are priced from $500 depending on the size and complexity

Original Art by Paz VG
Bryce at Bat
Acrylic on canvas. The bright colors of this piece, and its sports theme, put it in the category of what I would term "American Impressionism."
Dimensions: 18H x 24W
If interested in a similar sports-themed piece from your own photo, please contact me. Canvas sizes are 16x20 and up, and are priced from $500 depending on the size and complexity

Renoir - Reproduction
Reproduction of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's Girl with a Hoop. Renoir painted his original use oil paints giving the work a much softer look than accomplished by my use of acrylics. By their nature acrylics give my reproduction an added vibrancy.
Acrylic on canvas. Framed.
Painting 36H x 22W
Framed 39.5H x 25.5W
Price available upon request

Christopher Baker -
Reproduction painting of Christopher Baker's Vase of Flowers. The brilliant glow and crisp edges of both the flowers and the vase against the dark background - the light in the darkness - exude such positivity in this work, and consequently make it one of my favorites.
Oil on canvas. Framed.
Painting 16H x 12W
Framed 19.5H x 15.5W
Price available upon request

Monet - Reproduction
Reproduction of Claude Monet's Woman Sitting under the Willows. Like the original work, my painting is oil giving it the blurred softness I love about Impressionism. Oil on canvas. Framed.
Painting 28H x 22W
Framed 32H x 26W
Price available upon request

Cezanne - Reproduction
Reproduction of Paul Cezanne's Flowers in a Rococo Vase. My painting is in oil, just as the original. The more defined lines of the vase and flowers allow them to pop against the muted softness of the background.
Oil on canvas. Framed
Painting 24H x 18W
Framed 26H x 20W
Price available upon request

Cezanne - Reproduction
Reproduction of Paul Cezanne's Apples on a Table
Oil on canvas. Framed.
Painting 22H x 28W
Framed 26H x 32W
Price available upon request

Edouard Manet - Reproduction
Reproduction of Edouard Manet's Lilacs in a Vase
Oil on canvas. Framed.
Painting 20H x 16W
Framed 24H x 20W
Price available upon request